Friday, 7 August 2015

Why now is a great time for VR and digital planetariums

We are at the beginning of a fantastic period for Virtual Reality, the latest of many waves going back as far as I can remember. With a whole field of VR headsets (Oculus Rift, Microsoft Hololens & Google Cardboard to name but 3) all vying to be the next big thing, focus is switching from the devices themselves to what they are going to be used for. After all without content they are nothing more than items that collect dust on a shelf.

Up to now a lot of developers have been focusing on virtual worlds to explore and play in, but now with advances in technology and falling costs the opportunity to shoot 360° video is now within the reach of more people. Everything from multi-camera solutions (360Heros & Google Jump), through single camera / multi lens devices (Giroptic 360Cam & SpheriCam) to single camera / single lens devices (Kodak SP360 & Eye Mirror 360ยบ). None of these devices are perfect, each having their own pro and cons, but all having the ability to shoot 360° video.

Now some of these devices, in my option, have reached a quality / cost / complexity tipping point. Before this if you wanted reasonable quality it came at a cost and required a certain amount of technological know how. But now there are devices that are  affordable, produce reasonable quality content and don't require an in-depth knowledge on the subject. This in turn is resulting in a whole swath of film makers getting access to the format for the first time.

This is where things are getting great for digital planetariums too. You see in most cases the 360° content that is being produced for VR headsets just needs a bit of tweaking to be able to be projected into a dome (something most content creators hadn't even considered as an option). Unfortunately not all content is suitable, especially where the viewer is required to look down! Most domes only covers a 360° x 90° view (the top half of a sphere) so you can look from straight up to the horizon in all directions, but with a bit of adjustment it is possible to extend what is projected to an amount below the horizon as well.

Over the past couple of years I have been experimenting with re-projecting 360° content from a wide list of genre's (artistic, music, action, scenic) with great success. It has provided a fantastic learning experience as to what works / doesn't work in a dome and how people experience the format. It has shown me that digital planetariums aren't just one trick ponies that only show journeys into space. They can just as easily show an immersive environments as VR headsets, placing the viewer in the middle of an all round view.

Some people may question if its worth bothering with digital planetariums as the number of people who have access to one is lower than VR headset ownership and the domes that are out there are already fully booked showing their own content. Well things have changed, there is now a whole new breed of portable digital planetariums that can sit up to 40 adults (or even more children) where ever there is enough space. You don't even have to own one yourself as there are companies that will bring a dome and show your content for you (here in the UK there is a company called Immersive Theatres).

Finally one of the biggest advantages of domes over VR headsets in my eyes is a social one. If what you are looking for is the ability to be immersed in a virtual environment by yourself then maybe a VR headset is for you, but the experience doesn't always have to be like this. The experience could be one that you share with others.

Thursday, 9 July 2015

Another Code Club Year Comes To An End

Another amazing Code Club year complete, my 3rd and I'm still having so much fun. Of course all this is mixed in with feelings of sadness as I said goodbye to some of my children as they move onto secondary school. But as I saw them for the last time I was proud at what Code Club had enabled me to do. I'm sure either with or without the club they would all love using computers (they're a fantastic bunch), but I hope I have been able to open their eyes to a whole new world of possibilities and help fill their heads with ideas of what they could achieve. In the 3 short terms we had gone from coding Scratch, through to soldering Technology Will Save Us's DIY Gamer Kits and finally ending up coding Arudino's.

Everything I threw at them they handled with confidence, enthusiasm and creativity. I was concerned that the soldering was going to be too much, but how wrong I was, the level of concentration during those weeks was off the scale. Every single switch, resister, light dependent resister and buzzer on those kits was 100% soldered by the children. It would have been a lot quicker (and safer) to allow each child to solder a single switch and then do the rest myself, but it was achievement I wanted the children to feel for themselves. For them to be able to hold a piece of technology in their hands and feel proud at what they had put together, after all computers are nothing without hardware.

They also took their knowledge (and creativity) of Scratch and mapped those skills onto Arduino sketches with ease, it really showed that they were learning skills that they could transfer from one area to another.

Earlier in the year we were also lucky enough to be visited by BBC Midlands Today. They were looking for a school that used computers in their lessons and Malvern Wells was able to be that school. The kids loved seeing themselves on TV and I managed to get a small mention for Code Club in too.

The other good news, tinged with a note of sadness was that the teacher I had worked with for the last two years, Matt Warne, had got himself a new Job as the head of computing at the much larger school in Worcester. He said that I had inspired him to push his teaching career further into computing and after becoming a CAS Master Teacher he applied for the position of head of department and got it. I find his words very humbling and kind and wish him all the success that he deserves. I'm sure with our common interest our paths will cross again and I look forward it. Good luck Matt.

So now I'll spend my summer months making sure I'm up to date with all the new Code Club worksheets, reading up as much as I can on the BBC micro:bit (it looks like it could be so much fun, for everyone involved!), thinking about what to start the new Autumn term with and looking forward to meeting new children and a class teacher, all hopefully as eager to find out what this coding thing is all about.